Monday, September 14, 2009

A Pretty Girl


Crucis said...

Heh! My wife and I have two cats---a tiger striped tabby and a solid black.

Nice pics!

Ed said...

Thanks Crucis - I just got back and after reading your comment I checked to see if mine are still here - and they are - so you don't have mine. I always said I would never have a litter box - now I have two. I don't need more vet bills right now so no indoor outdoor. Growing up we had a indoor outdoor cat - Morris. A black and white tuxedo - I can't beleive I know that name to describe a cat. He had his tail bobbed when he was little - it got infected after a fight. He lasted 22 years and was the best hunter I have ever seen. He would take on anything that bothered the family dogs. He was a protector or at least very territorial. Cat's do make good feet warmers on the covers in the winter - they probably think the same of me. In sunlight I can see stripes on my black one - I think she could take a cougar down. She was and is a wild one. My tabby is a big cat but I think she has Maine Coon Cat or Norwiegian Forest Cat in her - she was a stray.