In this day and age it seems like too many houses built today are huge and of such a quality that they have major problems not too far down the road. They also are right next to each other and no yard. I wonder how much resources we could save in the long run by building smaller and stronger. Throwing in a view wouldn't hurt either but I understand packing them in close builds a bigger tax base and they can have utilities in a smaller footprint. But a view and some grass and trees around sure is nice and the air seems fresh.
A couple building materials that I think are worth taking a look at - if not the specific company - at least the product idea. One is Structural Insulated Panels the other is Niagra Insulated Blocks. I think a key point in these two products is there is an insulation barrier sandwiched in the middle of the blocks and panels - keeping heat and cold transfer way down. The energy cost up front in manufacturing and transport seems like more but the end product would be saving energy in heating and cooling for a long time down the road.
A home at the edge of the pines, maybe a daylight basement and a view of the mountains.
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