Dang, I only had one box of shells! I finally got out to the range - about time.
After cleaning the Smith and Wesson Victory .38 Special revolver ( check out the picture above - nice bore for a World War II revolver ) I got it dirty real fast. I shot a box of Remington 158 grain round nose cartridges. I shot at a little over 11 yards, single and double action on both targets. Two hand - no rest on most of the shots. I started out with six single action shots, slow fire - grouping to the left of center. I switched to double action after 12 - 18 shots. Boy am I rusty. I finally used a rest and found it definately was me not the revolver - shot four in the 10x with single action. I have some work to do. Double action (some of it real fast) I shot all over the place - a lot more work to do. I had a total of 47 out of 50 shots on the paper - my count. Three bad flyers - I'm sure they hit a bullseye somewhere....Yeah.
First time at that Range, I liked it. $10 for the public - they provide targets, ear plugs and or muffs and a spotting scope if you need it. I won't forget my monocular again. But bring cash, they don't take debit or credit cards. I like shooting outdoors - the natural ventilation and change in weather feels good. But I do like the electric target retrievers or the man powered pulley systems - maybe they will get those sometime.
I will try and save up for more ammo and get out more often. Next time I will shoot single action only at one target and double action on the other. At least this time out, my last shot was a 10x hit on the left target (two hand - no rest)....that felt good and was a good way to end the shoot.
I have got to save up and get that Browning Buckmark 5.5 Field .22 - that will provide a lot more shooting at a lot less cost.
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