My brother and his wife brought my mom down and drove to his beach cabin - about a 2 to 3 hour drive for them - for the weekend and I was invited too. I just went over Saturday, it's about a 90 minute drive from my apartment and I timed it just right - missed most of the yard work - a lot of huckleberry bushes around there - will be tasty in the fall. I did make it in time to help put some cabinets in/back up and a couple of supply runs. I mentioned I wanted to pick up some driftwood for possible projects. (I tend to collect stone and wood - they end up as cairns in my apartment until I make something good out of them. There is a time lag involved that I have to work on.) Anyway, mom said she wanted to go look for driftwood with me. It didn't look like we would find much but we finally ran across some sign and corraled some - dead stick hunting - they are crafty critters - well hopefully crafty. I hadn't been to the coast for years which just isn't right - it being so close. It was a busy fun day.
My family is heading to Cannon Beach for the weekend I hear. I've still got some pieces of driftwood from the vacations there as a kid.
I'm going to head down to my brother's place at Heceta Beach tomorrow - wow 2 times in a month. I just got a mssg on my answering machine he forgot a drill and needs to put up more cabinets. He and his wife have been there for a week or so - doing some wall repair and painting some. It will be nice to get away from this heat - next week even hotter!
I didn't do anything yet with the driftwood I found but I might just have to add some to my stack here when I get home. I've got some ideas.
I have a little thing that you might like Brigid - for your yard/garden or to keep papers from flying around. email me an address if you like and I'll send it....nothing goofy just something that when I saw it - you came to mind. I didn't make it but I got a couple for me too.
Brigid I saw the most beautiful sunset driving home - a huge red molten orb. It's amazing a person can see something a thousand times and it still can be breathtaking - and from a sideview mirror no less. I'll head that way in the morning - well late morning.
Hope your family has fun in Oregun - I heard there is even more art/craft shops in Cannon Beach than when I was there years ago.
Hope you had some fun/relaxing time off!
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