Brigid - I forgot to tell you, some guy at the range (see picture) - at least I think it was a guy - was asking questions about you and some Donald character. Seems that this Donald guy is wanted ---- in a galaxy far far away. Anyway, someone has their feathers ruffled and wants to chew him out. -----------please stop me now --- doesn't Blogger have any restrictions on Boba Fett Pez posts?
He/she didn't get anything out of me - although I did ask for Princess Leia's phone #/communicator frequency.
You are stronger than Boba Fett. Thank you for not giving away the Donald. I'm sort of attached to him. Though I sort of liked BF's saying about Rocket Launchers - " And what it does, if you know how to work it, is kill a lot of creatures. At once. At a nice long distance away."
I do live in Duck country - It was the least I could do.
That sounds like the Fett - More bang for the buck. Any thing/way to make a profit or cut expenses....and get away.
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